What is spinning into yarn?


What is Yarn ?

Yarn is a continuous strand either composed of natural or man-made fibre or filament and

its use in knitting or weaving to make a cloth.

Spinning of yarn

Spinning is defined as the process of converting fiber or filament into yarn. The process of converting cotton fibers from ginned lint into a yarn involves a number of processes that aim to clean, remove short fibers, align fibers and ultimately spin the yarn and prepare it for Weaving and Knitting.

Yarn Production

Flow chart with diagram:


Flow chart of spinning yarn
Flow chart

Blow Room

Blow room is the process that takes care of opening, cleaning and blending of different fibres used in the mixing. The technological improvements are remarkable in this process.

Operation :

• Opening

• Cleaning

• Mixing or blending

• Micro dust removal

• Uniform feed to the carding machine

• Recycling the waste

Objectives of blow room process

1. Opening: To open the compressed layer of bale of cotton or any staple fibers with minimum damage to the fibers.

2. Cleaning: To remove the impurities like sand, seed, trash, contamination, neps & short fibers present in the cotton with minimum loss of lint by opening & blending.

3. Mixing and Blending: To mix the fibers evenly, to avoid the variation in shade.

4. Uniform Feed: To convert the mass of cotton fibers into a uniform thick sheet of cotton both longitudinally & transversely & fed as it in the case of chute feed system or wound in the form of a compactly built lap with minimum lap rejection.

5. De-dusting: Intensive de-dusting of cotton fibers to extract micro- dust in order to improve the working of opened spinning m/c.

Blow room
Blow room


"Card is the heart of the spinning mill“

"Well carded is half spun"

High production carding has now become an established practice for short-staple fibers. Production capacity in recent carding machines can be increased substantially without deterioration in quality.

Purpose :

• To open the flocks into individual fibres

• Removal of trash

• Removal of neps

• Elimination of dust

• Elimination of short fibres

• Fiber blending

• Fiber orientation or alignment

• Sliver formation

Carding machine
Carding machine

 Draw Frame

Draw frame contributes less than 5% to production cost of yarn. But its influence on quality is very big, because drawing is the final process of quality improvement in the spinning mill and quality of draw frame sliver determines the final yarn quality.

Task :

 • Through doubling the slivers are made even

• Doubling results in homogenization (blending)

• Through draft fibres get parallelized

• Hooks created in the card are straightened

• Through the suction, intensive dust removal is achieved

• Autoleveller maintains absolute sliver fineness.

Side view of drawing Frame
Drawing Frame


Combing is the process that removes the final proportion of short fiber, neps and other impurities such as vegetable matter and seed coat fragments in cotton that has already been carded Combed yarns are generally finer, stronger, smoother and more uniform, due to the removal of short fibers and the alignment of fibers.


• Removal of short fiber waste called Comber Noil.

• Neps Reduction

 Influences :

 • Yarn evenness

• Strength

• Cleanness

• Smoothness

• Visual appearance

Side view of comber frame
Comber frame

Roving frame

A roving frame is a machine used in the spinning process to convert sliver (thick rope-like strand of fibers) into roving (a thin and lightly twisted strand of fibers), which is then used as a feedstock for the ring frame. The working of the roving frame in spinning can be described in the following steps:

The sliver is first fed into the machine from a creel, where it is held in a package. The sliver passes through the drafting system of the machine, which draws the fibers out to the desired thickness.

The drafted fibers are then twisted together to form a slightly twisted strand of fibers called roving. The roving frame achieves this by rotating a spindle, which twists the fibers together as they pass through the machine.

As the roving is formed, it is wound onto a bobbin that rotates at the same speed as the spindle. The bobbin is then taken up by a bobbin holder, which moves across the machine as the roving is wound onto it.The roving is wound onto the bobbin in a regular pattern, forming a cylindrical package of roving.When the bobbin is full, it is removed from the machine, and a new empty bobbin is put in its place.

The roving is then ready to be fed into the ring frame for further processing into yarn.

Overall, the roving frame plays a crucial role in the spinning process, converting sliver into roving that is suitable for feeding into the ring frame. The roving frame ensures that the fibers are drafted and twisted to the desired thickness and twist level, producing high-quality roving that can be used to produce high-quality yarn.

Side view of roving frame
Roving frame

Ring Frame

The ring spinning will continue to be the most widely used form of spinning machine in the near future, because ring spinning still offers the greatest flexibility in application and supplies yarns of a quality that cannot be equaled by the new technologies owing to technological reasons.

Function :

• To draft the roving until the required fineness is achieved

• To impart strength to the fiber, by inserting twist

• To wind up the twisted strand (yarn) in a form suitable for storage, transportation and further processing.

Ring Frame
Ring frame

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